Just curious as to what it takes to get a motorcycle/ car on the road in U.S. Over here in the U.K If buying new from a shop/dealer most motorcycles/cars are subject to V.A.T (Value added Tax) currently running at 20%. Then the car/cycle need registering with the D.V.L.A (Driver,vehicle licensing,agency) . This gets you a age related registration plate and a V5 document commonly known as a "log book" this has all the detail about the car/cycle - owners name and address engine size, colour emissions last owners details and number of previous owners etc etc. Then the car/cycle needs taxing (road tax), this is a rolling scale depending on engine size and emissions (£0 for green energy cars to £400+ for the gas guzzlers). Cars/cycles can be taxed for 6 months or 12 months at a time.starting from the month you purchase car/cycle. If buying new all of this is normally done by shop/dealer and included in the final price.Then you need vehicle insurance - 3 levels over here 3rd party only, TPFT (3rd party, fire and theft) and Fully comprehensive. prices depend on age, drivers licence, convictions, claims , area you live etc. That's more or less it for a new car/cycle.
If the car/cycle is more that 3 years old you also require a M.O.T (Ministry of transport) this is a road worthiness type document and runs for 12 months, this required along with insurance to tax the vehicle