Honestly i like loud, people can hear you coming .... most problematic is the police can hear you too lol. I'm going to get a supertrapp no question about, I've had them on a few other machines and they work perfectly. Right now it's a toss up between two styles of universal, 328-1719 which i like that it has a track welded to it for the bracket even though i haven't seen what the track looks like. Downside is the end caps, don't want to look like a Kawasaki intruder lol but if all the parts can be interchanged then i might be inclined to buy one. The other is 425-17500 which i really like, looks good and it's external disc ....and decent end caps. Down side will be a bracket cause i don't want to lose the passenger pegs, my wife liked to go out for cruises, plus I've never experienced the internal disc type before.