Second Generation Ascots > Tech Section
What are these parts??
Just bought my 84 VT500, took the air box cover off to check out the filter and these brackets were laying in the bottom of the box... can anyone ID them for me...?
--- Quote from: tball on June 22, 2014, 02:06:02 pm ---....these brackets were laying in the bottom of the box...
--- End quote ---
That's rarely a good sign! :o
I think I know what those brackets are. The off-set strap type bracket with a hole on each end, holds the top rear of the airbox to the top of the frame rail. The other bracket fits on top of the air box towards the front of the bike. It holds some of the wiring connectors & is not really needed in my opinion. That's what I think you are looking at.
Good luck
Take a look at parts #14 & #25. See if they look familiar to you.
Good luck
Bingo! Thanks for the lead. Looks like they hold the box to the frame, I bought Kettle One's bike last month, and based on the entries on this site it looks like he was working with it quite a bit. I'm not as confident tearing things apart and mocking up new designs as he was, but my first priority is getting the tank painted, I can't stand looking at it anymore!
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