First Generation Ascots > Tech Section

Rick's Motorsport Electrics & A New High Performance CDI Box

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Well I finally installed my new CDI box. What can I say... It's truly a simple plug & play installation.

You need to remove the bikes side covers so you can access the two bolts that hold the seat down at the back near the upper shock mount. Once you slide the seat/tail-piece back & off the bike you can see the CDI on top of the rear fender liner. There are two boxes sitting there side by side. You want the one on the right side of the bike as you are sitting on it. Gently pull the rubber mount free from the mounting tang & disconnect the two plastic connectors. Remove the rubber mount, clean it up if needed & re-install it around the new CDI box. Select the RPM range that you want the rev-limiter to operate at, then connect the two plastic connectors & gently slide the rubber holder back over the mounting tangs. Now you can start the bike to insure that it runs before you bolt down the seat. If it doesn't start, make sure that the two plastic connectors are well seated. You have now installed the new CDI box & can replace the seat & side covers. Nothing to it. ;)

Good luck

PS. Now is a good time to replace the sparkplug if you haven't done it in a while. Don't forget to check that spark gap & smear a dab of anti-sieze on the threads.

Why would you want a new CDI for your Ascot?

For those who need a little convincing, here is my own reasoning.
The original Shindengen CDI is a fine, reliable piece of equipment. It has operated reliably in your Ascot for thirty-two years. It is an "analog" design that uses capacitors for both energy storage and circuit control. Capacitors do not last forever. And before they go kaput entirely, their characteristics start to wander around. You never know what the advance curve may actually be the next time you go for a ride. And the same thoughts go for the transistors inside that little case too.
The original CDI may or may not last another umpteen years. But for my own piece of mind, I would preferably not be forced to depend on it 500 miles away from home. The CDI is the heart of the engine. If it goes *bink* and you have no spare, you'll be looking dolefully at one highly inoperative piece of equipment: that being your entire motorcycle.
Nearly as important is the inclusion of a rev-limiter in the CDI's design. This is very welcome (some would say essential) for engine management and safety. Way back in 1982, rev-limiters were somewhat available but not for the "everyday market." Nowadays, no modern engine management system would contemplate leaving out a rev-limiter: it wouldn't be tolerated.

From the Yahoo FT Ascot Users Group.

That's really good to know, how well does it work ...... and i know nobody could resist to atleast try the higher RPM limiting regardless if stock or full custom.

Price looks good, going to be added to the list .... like they stated the original is 30 ish years old lol.

How is it J6 ?

Works as advertised. I have mine set at the lower RPM rating. I believe it's limited to 6800-6900 RPM.

It's a nice part to have & keep the original as a spare.


Recently got my '83 ft500 reclamation project on the road. 
It ran OK but some missing at idle and seemed to be lacking on the top end.
Decided to splurge on Rick's CDI box.
Wow - what a difference!
No missing at idle, runs smoother and it now has a top end it didn't before.
Definitely a worthwhile investment.   Al


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