Author Topic: Dutch Black V-twin  (Read 28988 times)


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Dutch Black V-twin
« on: March 07, 2014, 03:56:22 pm »
Hi there again  ;)
I promised to start a topic for my bike, so here it is  ;D

As I said in my introduction post, my bike had some serious corrosion on the frame.
You should call me crazy for laying my hands on that weldjob, it took me over 15 hours  :o ;D
The first picture shows a part of one of the spots that needed welding, the second all the pieces I had to cut out, shape the curves and weld in place ;D
The third one is of two plates welded in place before the finishing welds.

When I put all of that behind me I painted the frame with some rust-eating epoxy called Brunox (looks fancy but it's not a real durable coating).

After I cleaned almost every part and put some new heat resistent paint on the wheels and ''new'' engine I put everything together.  8)
I must say that besides from the welding job it didn't take a lot of time to make it look a lot more fresh, thanks to the Brunox anti-rust epoxy and heat resistent paint, which both don't need a primer.
Now let's hope it won't come off for a while  ;)


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Re: Dutch Black V-twin
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2014, 04:01:46 pm »
And some more pictures :)

The bike is not fully put together yet as I am working on a new cockpit and rearlight assembly.
I'll keep you posted about that ofcourse  ;)



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Re: Dutch Black V-twin
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2014, 07:04:40 pm »
Wow! You have some major fabrication skills! The pictures of your work look great.

That's going to be a great looking bike when you are done. I look forward to following along with your progress.



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Re: Dutch Black V-twin
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2014, 05:19:25 pm »
Thanks J. !  It's the first time I did a job of this nature, sometimes you just gotta go and try  ;)

Today I've made some progress on the instruments, I want to get rid of that enormous lunchbox sticking about a mile above the bike..
With the success from the last welding job (and it's a lot of fun too !) I started making a little casing for the temperature gauge.
I'll put it along with the necessary signal lights and an odometer. I haven't decided if it's going to be a cheap bicycle odo or a decent one.. I'm not paying many attention to it anyway  ;D



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Re: Dutch Black V-twin
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2014, 03:40:11 pm »
It's time for an update !

I've finished the temperature gauge,decided to go for a decent odo and made a bracket.
Since the Original position of the headlight is much higher, there now is a big pile of electronics on top of it, there is no space left beneath it.
I'm thinking about making a small fairing to cover it. Something like the harley davidson sportster cap, but a bit larger.

The back end will not be changed for now as the new rearlight I bought didn't really fit with the rest of the bike.

What I did do, is coloring the words on the tires. I find it impressive how much effect such little details can have  :D


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Re: Dutch Black V-twin
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2014, 03:47:52 pm »