I finally made the time to install my new Header Pipe today. It was all pretty straight forward. Carefully remove the old exhaust system & hang on to the bolt (12mm head I think) that you remove near the lower motor mount. You won't be needing that bolt for the new exhaust but you should keep it with old exhaust system. Next you need to remove the lower rear most motor mount nut & washer. The new pipe hangs from the motor mount instead of the place where the old pipe connected. The only part of the exhaust swap that gave me any problem was trying to keep the new exhaust gaskets in place & slipping the collars in while holding everything in position. After a couple of failed attempts, I used a thin strip of masking tape to hold the gaskets in place. That allowed me to get it all together & then I burnt some of the tape during start up. A bit primitive, but it worked.
I have a Cobra slip on muffler from my stock exhaust. The Cobra exhaust inlet is sized for the OEM pipe & is a larger I.D. than what will fit the ThumperStuff Header outlet. Fortunately I had one of those universal 3-piece exhaust reducer sets laying around & one fit the gap perfectly. This allowed everything to be snugged up evenly & fit real well.
When you hold the OEM exhaust downtubes next to the ThumperStuff Header, the benefits & advantages of the ThumperStuff Pipe are readily apparent. Nice long, smooth down tubes that merge together well at the collector, vs. the OEM pipes design where the exhaust pulses look as though they collide together. The ThumperStuff Header is a very nice Pipe!

Anybody have anything else to add, or have any questions?