Ok.. now I am completly lost.

So I had the bike in winter in my house

to do some repairs..
Oil change
Valve housing gasket
Neutral gear "sensor" replaced --> had the left side of engine open
Spark plug exchanged
Carburator cleaned and changed jets from 128 to 138
since then the bike did not start...
than I found the problem on the starter, the spring was loose.
So after that the bike starts.
But it rans full throttle very bad and did not accelerate...
I changed back the jets to serial 128.
Now the bike run good without air filter
I had the idea that something was broken on my carburator and it got way too much fuel..
Today i put a used carb from another FT500 ... and its the same...
I mean normally I would put now a smaller jet, but 128 is already very small....
Do I miss something?
Do you think something on the ignition can lead to my problem?