First Generation Ascots > Tech Section

Jetting recommendation

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I ended up buying a Kerker pipe for my FT.  I had a couple great offers from folks on (thanks again for the recommend, triguyracer) but decided on the Kerker.

Anyone have an idea of where I may end up, jetting-wise?  Stock engine and ignition, the Kerker pipe, stock carb, Uni foam air filter in place of the stock filter, stock airbox.  I'm going to pick up a selection of mains today and will do the work to get it right, but it's always nice to have a reference point.

Thanks, Patrick

(more-or-less a duplicate post from the Classified section ... figured it belong here since it was no longer a WTB post)

Got the Kerker installed last night.  Fit up nicely.  Bike sounds GREAT, is probably 5# lighter, and there's a notable increase in power from off-idle through mid-throttle.  Top-end jetting isn't right (the bike splutters and won't rev out) but that's a solvable problem.  I have a couple mains, and was going to do the usual jetting dance, but just decided to buy one of the Six-Sigma kits.  I've jetted plenty of bikes but getting to and opening up the FT carb is a PITA (I was reminded of this last night!).  Not like rejetting my Yamaha DT1, where it's a five-minute operation ...

I'll keep folks posted. 

Here is what I used with my White Brothers pipe with a suppertrapp end cap with 3 discs ,A Uni filter and no air box one size up on the pilot ,I made a 20 thousands shim for the needle ,make sure the needle drops al the way down if you make a shim as it has to be no larger around than the stopper on the needle so it will drop down ,I am using a 180 main jet ,bike pulls well and all the way to top end and red line in all gears with no flat spots .try it for a starting point,

Thanks triguyracer, great info!

You're using the stock carb, right?



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