First Generation Ascots > Tech Section

Starter Control Unit



New FT owner here.  Bought an nice 83' model this past week and am enjoying learning about the thumper and its community.  Purchased it to help introduce my son to the mechanical world and is he grinning as of late.

On this bike the ignition switch did not work when I purchased it, but I was able to isolate it to the Starter Control Unit via this website and the yahoo Ascot group.  I simply ran the middle wire (Y/Bl) to ground and viola, the ignition switch worked, but I was bypassing the Clutch/Neutral safety feature.  For now I have it grounded while I search high and low for this part.  (Honda OEM # 38901-MC8-003).  I do see a couple of them on ebay, but from what I read this is simply a relay and I"m wondering if I can just purchase a 3-prong automotive relay from the local auto part store and solder the three wire to it.  Need some expertise to comment before I take this path.

Thanks for any help.  Nano

Any luck finding anything?

What were the "symptoms" when you were trying to start the bike when the starter control unit was bad?

I'm having starting problems with mine, trying to isolate the problem.

Check here for a Radio Shack relay fix:

(Just found these files myself!) 

I don't know if Radio Shack is even around these days ...

The radio shack relay is hard to find so i used a standard SPST automotive relay & socket that works fine.
The attached pdf show the ascot wiring diagram, how the radio shack relay was wired, and how the SPST relay was used.


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