First Generation Ascots > Tech Section

Front wheel removal

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I'm changing my tires and cant get the front axle out, I removed the pinch bolt and when trying to spin the axle out it works its way out of the left fork but will not come out of the right fork further than about half an inch. The axle is just spreading the forks apart.

Is there something I missed or can do?

The pinch bolt needs to be completely removed from the right fork leg.

I would try applying some penetrating oil around the axle & try to work it in. Make sure that the wheel isn't cocked & jamming the axle.

You might try to drift the axle out with some gentle persuasion with a punch & mallet.

I use a thin layer of grease or anti-seize on parts upon reassembly to help prevent parts from sticking to each other.

Good luck.

Well I got it to start coming out and once it's about halfway unthreaded the bolt gets significantly more difficult to turn and then pings. It won't come out past this point.

Without being able to see what is happening, I don't know what else to suggest.

Try the penetrating oil on both ends of the axle. Make sure the wheel isn't crooked & causing the axle to bind. Keep trying.

Good luck.



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