First Generation Ascots > Tech Section

FT500 Cylinder Removal

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I'm hoping to get some help removing the cylinder. I have removed the Cylinder head cover already, I have removed the two side bolts, the front and back nuts, and the lower automatic tensioner bolt as indicated in the diagram I found in the Service Manual. The Cylinder will still not budge. I have pulled on it with and tried to pry it with no avail. I am assuming there must be some bolts I am missing, but cannot for the life of me find them. I have taken both the left crank case, an right crank cases off to search for hidden bolts but see none.

Thank you

I would think the service manual whether it's Clymer or Honda would give good detailed information on cylinder removal.
I'll take a look at my Honda service manual & see what I can find.

Howdy just removed mine.
Tried some bongo persuasion with a rubber mallet... didnt budge, then postioned a scraper between the barrell & case on a corner a sharp tap with a hammer, and it popped free.

I just bought a rubber mallet to try banging it today.

When you say you positioned a scraper between the barrel and case, what exactly do you mean? I tried positioning a screw driver on the outside of the cylinder, and tapping it with a hammer... didn't work.

I think he meant that he forced a scraper blade into the base gasket area & it broke free.



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